Categories of Governor
Co-opted Governors
Appointed by the governing board to represent community interests/who have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance of the nursery schools.
Parent Governors
Parents, including carers, of pupils at our nursery schools are eligible to stand for election as parent governors and are appointed by election. If their child moves onto primary school before the end of their term of office they do not have to stand down as Governor, but they may choose to do so.
Local Authority Governors
Nominated by the local authority and confirmed by the governing board.
Staff Governors
Both teachers and support staff paid to work at our nursery schools are eligible to stand for election as a staff governor. The Executive Head teacher is a staff governor by virtue of his / her office (referred to as Ex-officio); they may choose not to be a governor but will retain the right to attend all governor meetings.
Associate Members
Associate members, with a particular area of experience or expertise, can be appointed by the governing board to attend committee meetings and are entitled to attend full governing body meetings.